Saturday, December 22, 2018

Substellar mass function of the field

Preliminary Trigonometric Parallaxes of 184 Late-T and Y Dwarfs and an Analysis of the Field Substellar Mass Function into the "Planetary" Mass Regime

We present preliminary trigonometric parallaxes of 184 late-T and Y dwarfs using observations from Spitzer (143), USNO (18), NTT (14), and UKIRT (9). To complete the 20-pc census of $\ge$T6 dwarfs, we combine these measurements with previously published trigonometric parallaxes for an additional 44 objects and spectrophotometric distance estimates for another 7.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

A method to analyse velocity structure

A method to analyse velocity structure

We present a new method of analysing and quantifying velocity structure in star forming regions suitable for the rapidly increasing quantity and quality of stellar position-velocity data. The method can be applied to data in any number of dimensions, does not require the centre or characteristic size (e.g.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Consistent modelling of proto-planetary disks

Consistent dust and gas models for protoplanetary disks III. Models for selected objects from the FP7 DIANA project

The European FP7 project DIANA has performed a coherent analysis of a large set of observations from protoplanetary disks by means of thermo-chemical disk models. The collected data include extinction-corrected stellar UV and X-ray input spectra (as seen by the disk), photometric fluxes, low and high resolution spectra, interferometric data, emission line fluxes, line velocity profiles and line maps.