Thursday, August 25, 2022

N-bearing complex organics toward high-mass protostars: Constant ratios pointing to formation in similar pre-stellar conditions across a large mass range

N-bearing complex organics toward high-mass protostars: Constant ratios pointing to formation in similar pre-stellar conditions across a large mass range

No statistical study of COMs toward a large sample of high-mass protostars with ALMA has been carried out so far. We aim to study six N-bearing species: CH3CN, HNCO, NH2CHO, C2H5CN, C2H3CN and CH3NH2 in a large sample of high-mass protostars. From the ALMAGAL survey, 37 of the most line-rich hot molecular cores are selected. Next, we fit their spectra and find column densities and excitation temperatures of the above N-bearing species, in addition to CH3OH. We (tentatively) detect CH3NH2 in ∼32 of the sources. We find three groups of species when comparing their excitation temperatures: hot (NH2CHO; Tex > 250 K), warm (C2H3CN, HN13CO and CH133CN; 100 K < Tex < 250 K) and cold species (CH3OH and CH3NH2; Tex < 100 K). This temperature segregation reflects the trend seen in their sublimation temperatures and validates the idea of onion-like structure of COMs around protostars. Moreover, the molecules studied here show constant column density ratios across low- and high-mass protostars with scatter less than a factor ∼3 around the mean. The constant column density ratios point to a common formation environment of COMs or their precursors, most likely in the pre-stellar ices. The scatter around the mean of the ratios, although small, varies depending on the species considered. This spread can either have a physical origin (source structure, line or dust optical depth) or a chemical one. Formamide is most prone to the physical effects as it is tracing the closest regions to the protostars, whereas such effects are small for other species. Assuming that all molecules form in the pre-stellar ices, the scatter variations could be explained by differences in lifetimes or physical conditions of the pre-stellar clouds. If the pre-stellar lifetimes are the main factor, they should be similar for low- and high-mass protostars.

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