Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Identification of a turnover in the initial mass function of a young stellar cluster down to 0.5 Jupiter masses

Identification of a turnover in the initial mass function of a young stellar cluster down to 0.5 MJ

A successful theory of star formation should predict the number of objects as a function of their mass produced through star-forming events. Previous studies in star-forming regions and the solar neighborhood identify a mass function increasing from the hydrogen-burning limit down to about 10 Jupiter masses (MJ). Theory predicts a limit to the fragmentation process, providing a natural turnover in the mass function down to the opacity limit of turbulent fragmentation thought to be 2-10 MJ. Programs to date have not been sensitive enough to probe the hypothesized opacity limit of fragmentation. Here we present the first identification of a turnover in the initial mass function below 12 MJ within NGC 2024, a young star-forming region. With JWST/NIRCam deep exposures across 0.7-5 {\mu}m, we identified several free floating objects down to ~ 3 MJ with sensitivity to 0.5 MJ. We present evidence for a double power law model increasing from about 60 MJ to roughly 12 MJ, consistent with previous studies, followed by a decrease down to 0.5 MJ. Our results support the predictions of star and brown dwarf formation theory, identifying the theoretical turnover in the mass function and suggest the fundamental limit of turbulent fragmentation near 3 MJ.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The JWST/NIRISS Deep Spectroscopic Survey for Young Brown Dwarfs and Free-Floating Planets

The JWST/NIRISS Deep Spectroscopic Survey for Young Brown Dwarfs and Free-Floating Planets

The discovery and characterization of free-floating planetary-mass objects (FFPMOs) is fundamental to our understanding of star and planet formation. Here we report results from an extremely deep spectroscopic survey of the young star cluster NGC1333 using NIRISS WFSS on the James Webb Space Telescope. The survey is photometrically complete to K~21, and includes useful spectra for objects as faint as K~20.5. The observations cover 19 known brown dwarfs, for most of which we confirm spectral types using NIRISS spectra. We discover six new candidates with L-dwarf spectral types that are plausible planetary-mass members of NGC1333, with estimated masses between 5-15 MJup. One, at ~5 MJup, shows clear infrared excess emission and is a good candidate to be the lowest mass object known to have a disk. We do not find any objects later than mid-L spectral type (M less than 4 MJup). The paucity of Jupiter-mass objects, despite the surveys unprecedented sensitivity, suggests that our observations reach the lowest mass objects formed like stars in NGC1333. Our findings put the fraction of FFPMOs in NGC1333 at ~10% of the number of cluster members, significantly more than expected from the typical log-normal stellar mass function. We also search for wide binaries in our images and report a young brown dwarf with a planetary-mass companion.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Strong constraints on the gravitational law from Gaia DR3 wide binaries

Strong constraints on the gravitational law from Gaia DR3 wide binaries

We test Milgromian dynamics (MOND) using wide binary stars (WBs) with separations of 2−30 kAU. Locally, the WB orbital velocity in MOND should exceed the Newtonian prediction by ≈20% at asymptotically large separations given the Galactic external field effect (EFE). We investigate this with a detailed statistical analysis of \emph{Gaia} DR3 data on 8611 WBs within 250 pc of the Sun. Orbits are integrated in a rigorously calculated gravitational field that directly includes the EFE. We also allow line of sight contamination and undetected close binary companions to the stars in each WB. We interpolate between the Newtonian and Milgromian predictions using the parameter αgrav, with 0 indicating Newtonian gravity and 1 indicating MOND. Directly comparing the best Newtonian and Milgromian models reveals that Newtonian dynamics is preferred at 19σ confidence. Using a complementary Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis, we find that αgrav=−0.021+0.065−0.045, which is fully consistent with Newtonian gravity but excludes MOND at 16σ confidence. This is in line with the similar result of Pittordis and Sutherland using a somewhat different sample selection and less thoroughly explored population model. We show that although our best-fitting model does not fully reproduce the observations, an overwhelmingly strong preference for Newtonian gravity remains in a considerable range of variations to our analysis. Adapting the MOND interpolating function to explain this result would cause tension with rotation curve constraints. We discuss the broader implications of our results in light of other works, concluding that MOND must be substantially modified on small scales to account for local WBs.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Robust Evidence for the Breakdown of Standard Gravity at Low Acceleration from Statistically Pure Binaries Free of Hidden Companions

Robust Evidence for the Breakdown of Standard Gravity at Low Acceleration from Statistically Pure Binaries Free of Hidden Companions

It is found that Gaia DR3 binary stars selected with stringent requirements on astrometric measurements and radial velocities naturally satisfy Newtonian dynamics without hidden close companions when projected separation s>2 kau, showing that pure binaries can be selected. It is then found that pure binaries selected with the same criteria show a systematic deviation from the Newtonian expectation when s<2 kau. When both proper motions and parallaxes are required to have precision better than 0.003 and radial velocities better than 0.2, I obtain 1558 statistically pure binaries within a 'clean' G-band absolute magnitude range. From this sample, I obtain an observed to Newtonian predicted kinematic acceleration ratio of γg=gobs/gpred=1.43+0.23−0.19 for acceleration <10−10 m s−2, in excellent agreement with a recent finding 1.43±0.06 for a much larger general sample with the amount of hidden close companions self-calibrated. I also investigate the radial profile of stacked sky-projected relative velocities without a deprojection to the 3D space. The observed profile matches the Newtonian predicted profile for s<2 kau without any free parameters but shows a clear deviation at a larger separation with a significance of 4.6σ. The projected velocity boost factor for s>8 kau is measured to be γvp=1.18±0.06 matching γg−−√. Finally, for a small sample of 23 binaries with exceptionally precise radial velocities (precision <0.0043) the directly measured relative velocities in the 3D space also show a boost at larger separations. These results robustly confirm the recently reported gravitational anomaly at low acceleration for a general sample.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Discovery of the elusive carbonic acid (HOCOOH) in space

Discovery of the elusive carbonic acid (HOCOOH) in space

After a quarter century since the detection of the last interstellar carboxylic acid, acetic acid (CH3COOH), we report the discovery of a new one, the cis-trans form of carbonic acid (HOCOOH), toward the Galactic Center molecular cloud G+0.693-0.027. HOCOOH stands as the first interstellar molecule containing three oxygen atoms and also the third carboxylic acid detected so far in the interstellar medium. Albeit the limited available laboratory measurements (up to 65 GHz), we have also identified several pairs of unblended lines directly in the astronomical data (between 75-120 GHz), which allowed us to slightly improve the set of spectroscopic constants. We derive a column density for cis-trans HOCOOH of N = (6.4 ± 0.4) × 1012 cm−2, which yields an abundance with respect to molecular H2 of 4.7 × 10−11. Meanwhile, the extremely low dipole moment (about fifteen times lower) of the lower-energy conformer, cis-cis HOCOOH, precludes its detection. We obtain an upper limit to its abundance with respect to H2 of ≤ 1.2 ×10−9, which suggests that cis-cis HOCOOH might be fairly abundant in interstellar space, although it is nearly undetectable by radio astronomical observations. We derive a cis-cis/cis-trans ratio ≤ 25, consistent with the smaller energy difference between both conformers compared with the relative stability of trans- and cis-formic acid (HCOOH). Finally, we compare the abundance of these acids in different astronomical environments, further suggesting a relationship between the chemical content found in the interstellar medium and the chemical composition of the minor bodies of the Solar System, which could be inherited during the star formation process.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Breakdown of the Newton-Einstein Standard Gravity at Low Acceleration in Internal Dynamics of Wide Binary Stars

Breakdown of the Newton-Einstein Standard Gravity at Low Acceleration in Internal Dynamics of Wide Binary Stars

A gravitational anomaly is found at weak gravitational acceleration gN<10−9 m s−2 from analyses of the dynamics of wide binary stars selected from the Gaia DR3 database that have accurate distances, proper motions, and reliably inferred stellar masses. Implicit high-order multiplicities are required and the multiplicity fraction is calibrated so that binary internal motions agree statistically with Newtonian dynamics at a high enough acceleration of 10−8 m s−2. The observed sky-projected motions and separation are deprojected to the three-dimensional relative velocity v and separation r through a Monte Carlo method, and a statistical relation between the Newtonian acceleration gN≡GM/r2 (where M is the total mass of the binary system) and a kinematic acceleration g≡v2/r is compared with the corresponding relation predicted by Newtonian dynamics. The empirical acceleration relation at less than 10^−9 m s−2 systematically deviates from the Newtonian expectation. A gravitational anomaly parameter δobs−newt between the observed acceleration at gN and the Newtonian prediction is measured to be: δobs−newt=0.034±0.007 and 0.109±0.013 at gN≈10−8.91 and 10−10.15 m s−2, from the main sample of 26,615 wide binaries within 200 pc. These two deviations in the same direction represent a 10σ significance. The deviation represents a direct evidence for the breakdown of standard gravity at weak acceleration. At gN=10−10.15 m s−2, the observed to Newton predicted acceleration ratio is gobs/gpred=102√δobs−newt=1.43±0.06. This systematic deviation agrees with the boost factor that the AQUAL theory predicts for kinematic accelerations in circular orbits under the Galactic external field.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

G 68-34: A Double-Lined M-Dwarf Eclipsing Binary in a Hierarchical Triple System

G 68-34: A Double-Lined M-Dwarf Eclipsing Binary in a Hierarchical Triple System

Using high-resolution spectra from the Tillinghast Reflector Echelle Spectrograph (TRES) and photometry from sector 56 of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), we report that the nearby M dwarf G 68-34 is a double-lined eclipsing binary. The pair is spin-orbit synchronized with a period of 0.655 days. The light curve shows significant spot modulation with a larger photometric amplitude than that of the grazing eclipses. We perform a joint fit to the spectroscopic and photometric data, obtaining masses of 0.3280±0.0034M⊙ and 0.3207±0.0036M⊙ and radii of 0.345±0.014R⊙ and 0.342±0.014R⊙ after marginalizing over unknowns in the starspot distribution. This system adds to the small but growing population of fully convective M dwarfs with precisely measured masses and radii that can be used to test models of stellar structure. The pair also has a white dwarf primary at 9" separation, with the system known to be older than 5 Gyr from the white-dwarf cooling age. The binarity of G 68-34 confirms our hypothesis from Pass et al. (2022): in that work, we noted that G 68-34 was both rapidly rotating and old, highly unusual given our understanding of the spindown of M dwarfs, and that a close binary companion may be responsible.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Direct Discovery of the Inner Exoplanet in the HD206893 System

Direct Discovery of the Inner Exoplanet in the HD206893 System

Long term precise radial velocity (RV) monitoring of the nearby star HD206893, as well as anomalies in the system proper motion, have suggested the presence of an additional, inner companion in the system. Here we describe the results of a multi-epoch search for the companion responsible for this RV drift and proper motion anomaly using the VLTI/GRAVITY instrument. Utilizing information from ongoing precision RV measurements with the HARPS spectrograph, as well as Gaia host star astrometry, we report a high significance detection of the companion HD206893c over three epochs, with clear evidence for Keplerian orbital motion. Our astrometry with ∼50-100 μarcsec precision afforded by GRAVITY allows us to derive a dynamical mass of 12.7+1.2−1.0 MJup and an orbital separation of 3.53+0.08−0.06 au for HD206893c. Our fits to the orbits of both companions in the system utilize both Gaia astrometry and RVs to also provide a precise dynamical estimate of the previously uncertain mass of the B component, and therefore derive an age of 155±15 Myr. We find that theoretical atmospheric/evolutionary models incorporating deuterium burning for HD206893c, parameterized by cloudy atmospheres provide a good simultaneous fit to the luminosity of both HD206893B and c. In addition to utilizing long-term RV information, this effort is an early example of a direct imaging discovery of a bona fide exoplanet that was guided in part with Gaia astrometry. Utilizing Gaia astrometry is expected to be one of the primary techniques going forward to identify and characterize additional directly imaged planets. Lastly, this discovery is another example of the power of optical interferometry to directly detect and characterize extrasolar planets where they form at ice-line orbital separations of 2-4\,au.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Direct imaging discovery of a super-Jovian around the young Sun-like star AF Leporis

Direct imaging discovery of a super-Jovian around the young Sun-like star AF Leporis

Expanding the sample of directly imaged companions to nearby, young stars that are amenable to detailed astrometric and spectroscopic studies is critical for the continued development and validation of theories of their evolution and atmospheric processes. The recent release of the {\it Gaia} astrometric catalogue allows us to efficiently search for these elusive companions by targeting those stars that exhibit the astrometric reflex motion induced by an orbiting companion. The nearby (27 pc), young (24 Myr) star AF Leporis (AF Lep) was targeted because of its astrometric acceleration, consistent with a wide-orbit planetary companion detectable with high-contrast imaging. We used the SPHERE instrument on the VLT to search for faint substellar companions in the immediate vicinity of AF Lep. We used observations of a nearby star interleaved with those of AF Lep to efficiently subtract the residual point spread function. This provided sensitivity to faint planetary-mass companions within 1 arcsec (∼30 au) of the star. We detected the companion AF Lep b at a separation of 339 mas (9 au), within the inner edge of its unresolved debris disk. The measured K-band contrast and the age of the star yield a model-dependent mass of 4 and 6 MJup, consistent with the mass derived from an orbital fit of 4.3+2.9−1.2 MJup. The near-infrared SED of the planet is consistent with an object at the L--T spectral type transition, but under-luminous with respect to field-gravity objects. AF Lep b joins a growing number of substellar companions imaged around stars in the young β Pic moving group. With a mass of between 3 and 7 MJup, it occupies a gap in this isochronal sequence between the hotter, more massive companions like PZ~Tel~B and β~Pic~b, and the cooler 51~Eri~b, which is sufficiently cool for methane to form within its photosphere.

Monday, February 20, 2023

A red giant orbiting a black hole

A red giant orbiting a black hole

We report spectroscopic and photometric follow-up of a dormant black hole (BH) candidate from Gaia DR3. We show that the system, which we call Gaia BH2, contains a ∼1M⊙ red giant and a dark companion with mass M2=8.9±0.3M⊙ that is very likely a BH. The orbital period, Porb=1277 days, is much longer than that of any previously studied BH binary. Our radial velocity (RV) follow-up over a 6-month period spans most of the orbit's dynamic range in RV and is in excellent agreement with predictions of the Gaia solution. UV imaging and high-resolution optical spectra rule out all plausible luminous companions that could explain the orbit. The star is a bright (G=12.3), slightly metal-poor ([Fe/H]=−0.22) low-luminosity giant (Teff=4600K; R=7.9R⊙; log[g/(cms−2)]=2.6). The binary's orbit is moderately eccentric (e=0.52). The giant is strongly enhanced in α−elements, with [α/Fe]=+0.26, but the system's Galactocentric orbit is typical of the thin disk. We obtained X-ray and radio nondetections of the source near periastron, which support BH accretion models in which the net accretion rate at the horizon is much lower than the Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton rate. At a distance of 1.16 kpc, Gaia BH2 is the second-nearest known BH, after Gaia BH1. Its orbit -- like that of Gaia BH1 -- seems too wide to have formed through common envelope evolution. Gaia BH1 and BH2 have orbital periods at opposite edges of the Gaia DR3 sensitivity curve, perhaps hinting at a bimodal intrinsic period distribution for wide BH binaries. Dormant BH binaries like Gaia BH1 and Gaia BH2 likely significantly outnumber their close, X-ray bright cousins, but their formation pathways remain uncertain.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

An Ice Age JWST inventory of dense molecular cloud ices

An Ice Age JWST inventory of dense molecular cloud ices

Icy grain mantles are the main reservoir of the volatile elements that link chemical processes in dark, interstellar clouds with the formation of planets and composition of their atmospheres. The initial ice composition is set in the cold, dense parts of molecular clouds, prior to the onset of star formation. With the exquisite sensitivity of JWST, this critical stage of ice evolution is now accessible for detailed study. Here we show the first results of the Early Release Science program "Ice Age" that reveal the rich composition of these dense cloud ices. Weak ices, including, 13CO2, OCN−, 13CO, OCS, and COMs functional groups are now detected along two pre-stellar lines of sight. The 12CO2 ice profile indicates modest growth of the icy grains. Column densities of the major and minor ice species indicate that ices contribute between 2 and 19% of the bulk budgets of the key C, O, N, and S elements. Our results suggest that the formation of simple and complex molecules could begin early in a water-ice rich environment.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Direct Imaging and Astrometric Discovery of a Superjovian Planet Orbiting an Accelerating Star

Direct Imaging and Astrometric Discovery of a Superjovian Planet Orbiting an Accelerating Star

We detect a superjovian extrasolar planet around the dusty A star HIP 99770 using precision astrometry from the Gaia and Hipparcos satellites and direct imaging using the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics Project. HIP 99770 b is the first exoplanet ever discovered jointly through direct imaging and astrometry and the first discovery leveraging on μ-arcsecond precision Gaia astrometry. HIP 99770 b is in a low-eccentricity orbit ∼16.9 au from the primary, receiving about as much light as Jupiter does from the Sun. The planet induces an astrometric acceleration on the host star; its directly-measured companion-to-primary mass ratio is similar to that of many radial-velocity detected planets and some of the first imaged exoplanets, including HR 8799 cde. The planet's spectrum reveals an atmosphere resembling a slightly less cloudy and likely older analogue of these first imaging discoveries, enabling a new, critical probe of how gas giant planets evolve with time. HIP 99770 b's discovery is a direct proof-of-concept for a fundamentally new strategy for finding imageable planets: selecting targets based on dynamical evidence from indirect methods like astrometry instead of conducting blind searches. This combined approach prefigures the campaigns that could one day directly detect and characterize an extrasolar Earth-like planet.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

A Sun-like star orbiting a black hole

A Sun-like star orbiting a black hole

We report discovery of a bright, nearby (G=13.8; d=480 pc) Sun-like star orbiting a dark object. We identified the system as a black hole candidate via its astrometric orbital solution from the Gaia mission. Radial velocity monitoring validated and refined the Gaia solution, and spectroscopy ruled out significant light contributions from another star. Joint modeling of radial velocities and astrometry constrains the companion mass to M2=9.8±0.2M⊙. The spectroscopic orbit alone sets a minimum companion mass of M2>5M⊙; if the companion were a 5M⊙ star, it would be 500 times more luminous than the entire system. These constraints are insensitive to the assumed mass of the luminous star, which appears as a slowly-rotating G dwarf (Teff=5850 K, logg=4.5, M=0.93M⊙), with near-solar metallicity ([Fe/H] = -0.2) and an unremarkable abundance pattern. We find no plausible astrophysical scenario that can explain the orbit and does not involve a black hole. The orbital period, Porb=185.6 days, is longer than that of any known stellar-mass black hole binary, and the eccentricity is modest, e=0.45. The system's Galactic orbit is typical of thin-disk stars, suggesting that it formed in the Milky Way disk with at most a weak natal kick. Explaining the system's formation with standard binary evolutionary models is challenging: it is difficult for the luminous star to survive a common envelope event under standard assumptions, and difficult for it to end up in a wide orbit afterward. Formation models involving triples or dynamical assembly in an open cluster may be more promising. This is the nearest known black hole by a factor of 3, and its discovery suggests the existence of a sizable population of dormant black holes in binaries. Future Gaia releases will likely facilitate the discovery of dozens more.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

New Coronae and Stellar Associations Revealed by a Clustering Analysis of the Solar Neighborhood

New Coronae and Stellar Associations Revealed by a Clustering Analysis of the Solar Neighborhood

We present the results of a density-based clustering analysis of the 6-dimensional XYZ Galactic positions and UVW space velocities of nearby (≤ 200 pc) Gaia EDR3 stars with radial velocities using HDBSCAN, in opposition to previous studies that only included positions and tangential velocities. Among the 241 recovered clusters, we identify more than 50 known associations, 32 new candidate stellar streams aged 100 Myr-3 Gyr, 9 extensions of known Theia groups uncovered by Kounkel & Covey (2019), and 8 newly recognized coronae around nearby open clusters. Three confirmed exoplanet-hosting stars and three more TESS transiting exoplanet candidates are part of the new groups discovered here, including TOI-1807 and TOI-2076 from Hedges et al. (2021) that were suspected to belong to a yet unidentified moving group. The new groups presented here were not previously recognized because of their older ages, low spatial density, and projection effects that spread out the tangential velocities of their nearby co-moving members. Several newly identified structures reach distances within 60 pc of the Sun, providing new grounds for the identification of isolated planetary-mass objects. The nearest member of the newly recognized corona of Volans-Carina is V419 Hya, a known young debris disk star at a distance of 22 pc. This study outlines the importance of further characterization of young associations in the immediate Solar neighborhood, which will provide new laboratories for the precise age calibration of nearby stars, exoplanets and substellar objects. http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.04567

N-bearing complex organics toward high-mass protostars: Constant ratios pointing to formation in similar pre-stellar conditions across a large mass range

N-bearing complex organics toward high-mass protostars: Constant ratios pointing to formation in similar pre-stellar conditions across a large mass range

No statistical study of COMs toward a large sample of high-mass protostars with ALMA has been carried out so far. We aim to study six N-bearing species: CH3CN, HNCO, NH2CHO, C2H5CN, C2H3CN and CH3NH2 in a large sample of high-mass protostars. From the ALMAGAL survey, 37 of the most line-rich hot molecular cores are selected. Next, we fit their spectra and find column densities and excitation temperatures of the above N-bearing species, in addition to CH3OH. We (tentatively) detect CH3NH2 in ∼32 of the sources. We find three groups of species when comparing their excitation temperatures: hot (NH2CHO; Tex > 250 K), warm (C2H3CN, HN13CO and CH133CN; 100 K < Tex < 250 K) and cold species (CH3OH and CH3NH2; Tex < 100 K). This temperature segregation reflects the trend seen in their sublimation temperatures and validates the idea of onion-like structure of COMs around protostars. Moreover, the molecules studied here show constant column density ratios across low- and high-mass protostars with scatter less than a factor ∼3 around the mean. The constant column density ratios point to a common formation environment of COMs or their precursors, most likely in the pre-stellar ices. The scatter around the mean of the ratios, although small, varies depending on the species considered. This spread can either have a physical origin (source structure, line or dust optical depth) or a chemical one. Formamide is most prone to the physical effects as it is tracing the closest regions to the protostars, whereas such effects are small for other species. Assuming that all molecules form in the pre-stellar ices, the scatter variations could be explained by differences in lifetimes or physical conditions of the pre-stellar clouds. If the pre-stellar lifetimes are the main factor, they should be similar for low- and high-mass protostars.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

CORINOS I: JWST/MIRI Spectroscopy and Imaging of a Class 0 protostar IRAS 15398-3359

CORINOS I: JWST/MIRI Spectroscopy and Imaging of a Class 0 protostar IRAS 15398-3359

The origin of complex organic molecules (COMs) in young Class 0 protostars has been one of the major questions in astrochemistry and star formation. While COMs are thought to form on icy dust grains via gas-grain chemistry, observational constraints on their formation pathways have been limited to gas-phase detection. Sensitive mid-infrared spectroscopy with JWST enables unprecedented investigation of COM formation by measuring their ice absorption features. We present an overview of JWST/MIRI MRS spectroscopy and imaging of a young Class 0 protostar, IRAS 15398-3359, and identify several major solid-state absorption features in the 4.9-28 μm wavelength range. These can be attributed to common ice species, such as H2O, CH3OH, NH3, and CH4, and may have contributions from more complex organic species, such as C2H5OH and CH3CHO. The MRS spectra show many weaker emission lines at 6-8 μm, which are due to warm CO gas and water vapor, possibly from a young embedded disk previously unseen. Finally, we detect emission lines from [Fe II], [Ne II], [S I], and H2, tracing a bipolar jet and outflow cavities. MIRI imaging serendipitously covers the south-western (blue-shifted) outflow lobe of IRAS 15398-3359, showing four shell-like structures similar to the outflows traced by molecular emission at sub-mm wavelengths. This overview analysis highlights the vast potential of JWST/MIRI observations and previews scientific discoveries in the coming years.

A scaled-up planetary system around a supernova progenitor

A scaled-up planetary system around a supernova progenitor

Virtually all known exoplanets reside around stars with M<2.3 M⊙; to clarify if the dearth of planets around more massive stars is real, we launched the direct-imaging B-star Exoplanet Abundance STudy (BEAST) survey targeting B stars (M>2.4 M⊙) in the young (5-20 Myr) Scorpius-Centaurus association (Sco-Cen). Here we present the case of a massive (M∼9 M⊙) BEAST target, μ2 Sco. Based on kinematic information, we found that μ2 Sco is a member of a small group which we label Eastern Lower Scorpius, refining in turn the precision on stellar parameters. Around this star we identified a robustly detected substellar companion (14.4±0.8MJ) at a projected separation of 290±10 au, and a probable second object (18.5±1.5MJ) at 21±1 au. The planet-to-star mass ratios of these objects are similar to that of Jupiter to the Sun, and their irradiation is similar to those of Jupiter and Mercury, respectively. The two companions of μ2 Sco are naturally added to the giant planet b Cen b recently discovered by BEAST; although slightly more massive than the deuterium burning limit, their properties resemble those of giant planets around less massive stars and they are better reproduced by a formation under a planet-like, rather than a star-like scenario. Irrespective of the (needed) confirmation of the inner companion, μ2 Sco is the first star that would end its life as a supernova that hosts such a system. The tentative high frequency of BEAST discoveries shows that giant planets or small-mass brown dwarfs can form around B stars. When putting this finding in the context of core accretion and gravitational instability, we conclude that the current modeling of both mechanisms is not able to produce this kind of companion. BEAST will pave the way for the first time to an extension of these models to intermediate and massive stars. (abridged)

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Ice Age : Chemo-dynamical modeling of Cha-MMS1 to predict new solid-phase species for detection with JWST

Ice Age : Chemo-dynamical modeling of Cha-MMS1 to predict new solid-phase species for detection with JWST

Chemical models and experiments indicate that interstellar dust grains and their ice mantles play an important role in the production of complex organic molecules (COMs). To date, the most complex solid-phase molecule detected with certainty in the ISM is methanol, but the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) may be able to identify still larger organic species. In this study, we use a coupled chemo-dynamical model to predict new candidate species for JWST detection toward the young star-forming core Cha-MMS1, combining the gas-grain chemical kinetic code MAGICKAL with a 1-D radiative hydrodynamics simulation using Athena++. With this model, the relative abundances of the main ice constituents with respect to water toward the core center match well with typical observational values, providing a firm basis to explore the ice chemistry. Six oxygen-bearing COMs (ethanol, dimethyl ether, acetaldehyde, methyl formate, methoxy methanol, and acetic acid), as well as formic acid, show abundances as high as, or exceeding, 0.01% with respect to water ice. Based on the modeled ice composition, the infrared spectrum is synthesized to diagnose the detectability of the new ice species. The contribution of COMs to IR absorption bands is minor compared to the main ice constituents, and the identification of COM ice toward the core center of Cha-MMS1 with the JWST NIRCAM/Wide Field Slitless Spectroscopy (2.4-5.0 micron) may be unlikely. However, MIRI observations (5-28 micron) toward COM-rich environments where solid-phase COM abundances exceed 1% with respect to the water ice column density might reveal the distinctive ice features of COMs.

Ice features of low-luminosity protostars in near-infrared spectra of AKARI/IRC

Ice features of low-luminosity protostars in near-infrared spectra of AKARI/IRC

We present near-infrared spectra of three low-luminosity protostars and one background star in the Perseus molecular cloud, acquired using the Infrared Camera (IRC) onboard the \textit{AKARI} space telescope. For the comparison with different star-forming environments, we also present spectra of the massive protostar AFGL 7009S, where the protostellar envelope is heated significantly, and the low-mass protostar RNO 91, which is suspected to be undergoing an episodic burst. We detected ice absorption features of \ch{H2O}, \ch{CO2}, and \ch{CO} at all spectra around the wavelengths of 3.05, 4.27, and 4.67 μm, respectively. At least two low-luminosity protostars, we also detected the \ch{XCN} ice feature at 4.62 μm. The presence of the crystalline \ch{H2O} ice and \ch{XCN} ice components indicates that the low-luminosity protostars experienced a hot phase via accretion bursts during the past mass accretion process. We compared the ice abundances of low-luminosity protostars with those of the embedded low-mass protostars and the dense molecular clouds and cores, suggesting that their ice abundances reflect the strength of prior bursts and the timescale after the last burst.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Population of Isolated, Intermediate-Mass YSOs

Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Population of Isolated, Intermediate-Mass YSOs

Wide-field searches for young stellar objects (YSOs) can place useful constraints on the prevalence of clustered versus distributed star formation. The Spitzer/IRAC Candidate YSO (SPICY) catalog is one of the largest compilations of such objects (~120,000 candidates in the Galactic midplane). Many SPICY candidates are spatially clustered, but, perhaps surprisingly, approximately half the candidates appear spatially distributed. To better characterize this unexpected population and confirm its nature, we obtained Palomar/DBSP spectroscopy for 26 of the optically-bright (G less than 15 mag) "isolated" YSO candidates. We confirm the YSO classifications of all 26 sources based on their positions on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, H and Ca II line-emission from over half the sample, and robust detection of infrared excesses. This implies a contamination rate of less than 10% for SPICY stars that meet our optical selection criteria. Spectral types range from B4 to K3, with A-type stars most common. Spectral energy distributions, diffuse interstellar bands, and Galactic extinction maps indicate moderate to high extinction. Stellar masses range from ~1 to 7 M⊙, and the estimated accretion rates, ranging from 3×10−8 to 3×10−7 M⊙ yr−1, are typical for YSOs in this mass range. The 3D spatial distribution of these stars, based on Gaia astrometry, reveals that the "isolated" YSOs are not evenly distributed in the Solar neighborhood but are concentrated in kpc-scale dusty Galactic structures that also contain the majority of the SPICY YSO clusters. Thus, the processes that produce large Galactic star-forming structures may yield nearly as many distributed as clustered YSOs.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Ross 19B: An Extremely Cold Companion Discovered via the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Citizen Science Project

Ross 19B: An Extremely Cold Companion Discovered via the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Citizen Science Project

Through the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 citizen science project, we have identified a wide-separation (∼10', ∼9900 au projected) substellar companion to the nearby (∼17.5 pc), mid-M dwarf Ross 19. We have developed a new formalism for determining chance alignment probabilities based on the BANYAN Σ tool, and find a 100% probability that this is a physically associated pair. Through a detailed examination of Ross 19A, we find that the system is metal-poor ([Fe/H]=−0.40±0.12) with an age of 7.2+3.8−3.6 Gyr. Combining new and existing photometry and astrometry, we find that Ross 19B is one of the coldest known wide-separation companions, with a spectral type on the T/Y boundary, an effective temperature of 500+115−100 K, and a mass in the range 15-40 MJup. This new, extremely cold benchmark companion is a compelling target for detailed characterization with future spectroscopic observations using facilities such as the Hubble Space Telescope or James Webb Space Telescope.

Monday, December 7, 2020

The Field Substellar Mass Function Based on the Full-sky 20-pc Census

The Field Substellar Mass Function Based on the Full-sky 20-pc Census of 525 L, T, and Y Dwarfs

We present final Spitzer trigonometric parallaxes for 361 L, T, and Y dwarfs. We combine these with prior studies to build a list of 525 known L, T, and Y dwarfs within 20 pc of the Sun, 38 of which are presented here for the first time. Using published photometry and spectroscopy as well as our own follow-up, we present an array of color-magnitude and color-color diagrams to further characterize census members, and we provide polynomial fits to the bulk trends. Using these characterizations, we assign each object a Teff value and judge sample completeness over bins of Teff and spectral type. Except for types ≥ T8 and Teff< 600K, our census is statistically complete to the 20-pc limit. We compare our measured space densities to simulated density distributions and find that the best fit is a power law (dN/dM∝M−α) with α=0.6±0.1. We find that the evolutionary models of Saumon & Marley correctly predict the observed magnitude of the space density spike seen at 1200K...(more)

Spitzer Follow-up of Extremely Cold Brown Dwarfs

Spitzer Follow-up of Extremely Cold Brown Dwarfs Discovered by the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Citizen Science Project

We present Spitzer follow-up imaging of 95 candidate extremely cold brown dwarfs discovered by the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 citizen science project, which uses visually perceived motion in multiepoch Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) images to identify previously unrecognized substellar neighbors to the Sun. We measure Spitzer [3.6]-[4.5] color to phototype our brown dwarf candidates, with an emphasis on pinpointing the coldest and closest Y dwarfs within our sample. The combination of WISE and Spitzer astrometry provides quantitative confirmation of the transverse motion of 75 of our discoveries. Nine of our motion-confirmed objects have best-fit linear motions larger than 1″ yr-1; our fastest-moving discovery is WISEA J155349.96+693355.2 (μ ≍ 2"15 yr-1), a possible T-type subdwarf. We also report a newly discovered wide-separation (∼400 au) T8 comoving companion to the white dwarf LSPM J0055+5948 (the fourth such system to be found), plus a candidate late T companion to the white dwarf LSR J0002+6357 at 5'5 projected separation (∼8700 au if associated). Among our motion-confirmed targets, five have Spitzer colors most consistent with spectral type Y. Four of these five have exceptionally red Spitzer colors suggesting types of Y1 or later, adding considerably to the small sample of known objects in this especially valuable low-temperature regime. Our Y dwarf candidates begin bridging the gap between the bulk of the Y dwarf population and the coldest known brown dwarf.


Monday, December 2, 2019

Expanding the Y Dwarf Census with Spitzer

Expanding the Y Dwarf Census with Spitzer Follow-up of the Coldest CatWISE Solar Neighborhood Discoveries

We present Spitzer 3.6μm and 4.5μm follow-up of 170 candidate extremely cool brown dwarfs newly discovered via the combination of WISE and NEOWISE imaging at 3−5μm. CatWISE, a joint analysis of archival WISE and NEOWISE data, has improved upon the motion measurements of AllWISE by leveraging a >10× time baseline enhancement, from 0.5 years (AllWISE) to 6.5 years (CatWISE). As a result, CatWISE motion selection has yielded a large sample of previously unrecognized brown dwarf candidates, many of which have archival detections exclusively in the WISE 4.6μm (W2) channel, suggesting that they could be both exceptionally cold and nearby. Where these objects go undetected in WISE W1 (3.4μm), Spitzer can provide critically informative detections at 3.6μm. Of our motion-confirmed discoveries, seventeen have a best-fit Spitzer [3.6]−[4.5] color most consistent with spectral type Y. CWISEP J144606.62−231717.8 (μ≈1.3″/yr) is likely the reddest, and therefore potentially coldest, member of our sample with a very uncertain [3.6]−[4.5] color of 3.71 ± 0.44 magnitudes. We also highlight our highest proper motion discovery, WISEA J153429.75−104303.3, with μ≈2.7″/yr. Given that the prior list of confirmed and presumed Y dwarfs consists of just 27 objects, the Spitzer follow-up presented in this work has substantially expanded the sample of identified Y dwarfs. Our new discoveries thus represent significant progress toward understanding the bottom of the substellar mass function, investigating the diversity of the Y dwarf population, and selecting optimal brown dwarf targets for JWST spectroscopy.


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Buckyballs in space form by SiC grain erosion

 Formation of C60 from silicon carbide grains in evolved stars

Scientists have long been puzzled by the existence of so-called "buckyballs"—complex carbon molecules with a soccer-ball-like structure—throughout interstellar space. Now, a team of researchers from the University of Arizona has proposed a mechanism for their formation in a study published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. Carbon 60, or C60 for short, whose official name is Buckminsterfullerene, comes in spherical molecules consisting of 60 carbon atoms organized in five-membered and six-membered rings. The name "buckyball" derives from their resemblance to the architectural work of Richard Buckminster Fuller, who designed many dome structures that look similar to C60. Their formation was thought to only be possible in lab settings until their detection in space challenged this assumption.


Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A catalogue of photometrically selected brown dwarfs

Brown dwarf census with the Dark Energy Survey year 3 data and the thin disk scale height of early L types

In this paper we present a catalogue of 11,745 brown dwarfs with spectral types ranging from L0 to T9, photometrically classified using data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) year 3 release matched to the Vista Hemisphere Survey (VHS) DR3 and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) data, covering approx 2,400 deg2 up to i_AB=22. The classification method follows the same photo-type method previously applied to SDSS-UKIDSS-WISE data. The most significant difference comes from the use of DES data instead of SDSS, which allow us to classify almost an order of magnitude more brown dwarfs than any previous search and reaching distances beyond 400 parsecs for the earliest types. Next, we also present and validate the GalmodBD simulation, which produces brown dwarf number counts as a function of structural parameters with realistic photometric properties of a given survey. We use this simulation to estimate the completeness and purity of our photometric LT catalogue down to i_AB=22, as well as to compare to the observed number of LT types. We put constraints on the thin disk scale height for the early L population to be around 450 parsecs, in agreement with previous findings. For completeness, we also publish in a separate table a catalogue of 20,863 M dwarfs that passed our colour cut with spectral types greater than M6. Both the LT and the late M catalogues are found at this https URL


Friday, October 18, 2019

Detection of the nearest Jupiter analog in radial velocity and astrometry data

Detection of the nearest Jupiter analog in radial velocity and astrometry data

The presence of Jupiter is crucial to the architecture of the Solar System and models underline this to be a generic feature of planetary systems. We find the detection of the difference between the position and motion recorded by the contemporary astrometric satellite Gaia and its precursor Hipparcos can be used to discover Jupiter-like planets. We illustrate how observations of the nearby star ε Indi A giving astrometric and radial velocity data can be used to independently find the orbit of its suspected companion. The radial velocity and astrometric data provide complementary detections which allow for a much stronger solution than either technique would provide individually. We quantify ε Indi A b as the closest Jupiter-like exoplanet with a mass of 3 MJup on a slightly eccentric orbit with an orbital period of 45 yr. While other long-period exoplanets have been discovered, ε Indi A b provides a well constrained mass and along with the well-studied brown dwarf binary in orbit around ε Indi A means that the system provides a benchmark case for our understanding of the formation of gas giant planets and brown dwarfs. 


Friday, October 11, 2019

Four newborn planets transiting the young solar analog V1298 Tau

Four newborn planets transiting the young solar analog V1298 Tau

Exoplanets orbiting pre-main sequence stars are laboratories for studying planet evolution processes, including atmospheric loss, orbital migration, and radiative cooling. V1298 Tau, a young solar analog with an age of 23±4 Myr, is one such laboratory. The star is already known to host a Jupiter-sized planet on a 24 day orbit. Here, we report the discovery of three additional planets --- all between the size of Neptune and Saturn --- based on our analysis of K2 Campaign 4 photometry. Planets c and d have sizes of 5.6 and 6.4R⊕, respectively and with orbital periods of 8.25 and 12.40 days reside 0.25% outside of the nominal 3:2 mean-motion resonance. Planet e is 8.7 R⊕ in size but only transited once in the K2 time series and thus has a period longer than 36 days, but likely shorter than 223 days. The V1298 Tau system may be a precursor to the compact multiplanet systems found to be common by the Kepler mission. However, the large planet sizes stand in sharp contrast to the vast majority of Kepler multis which have planets smaller than 3R⊕. Simple dynamical arguments suggest total masses of < 28M⊕ and < 120M⊕ for the c-d and d-b planet pairs, respectively. The implied low masses suggest that the planets may still be radiatively cooling and contracting, and perhaps losing atmosphere. The V1298 Tau system offers rich prospects for further follow-up including atmospheric characterization by transmission or eclipse spectroscopy, dynamical characterization through transit-timing variations, and measurements of planet masses and obliquities by radial velocities.

An unusually large gaseous transit in a debris disc

An unusually large gaseous transit in a debris disc

We present the detection of an unusually large transient gas absorption in several ionized species in the debris disc star HD 37306 using high-resolution optical spectra. We have been analysing a large sample of debris discs searching for circumstellar gas absorptions aiming to determine the frequency of gas in debris discs. HD 37306 stood out showing remarkably broad absorptions superimposed onto several photospheric Ca II, Fe II and Ti II lines. The observed absorptions, unlike typical exocometary transits, lasted for at least eight days. Here we analyse simultaneous spectroscopic and photometric data of the event and evaluate different scenarios that might explain the observed features. We conclude that the most likely scenario might be an exocometary break-up releasing a significant amount of gas close to the star, producing an occulting "ring"/"torus" shape. 


Detection of phosphorus-bearing molecules towards a Solar-type protostar

Phosphorus is a key ingredient in terrestrial biochemistry, but is rarely observed in the molecular ISM and therefore little is known about how it is inherited during the star and planet formation sequence. We present observations of the phosphorus-bearing molecules PO and PN towards the Class I low-mass protostar B1-a using the IRAM 30m telescope, representing the second detection of phosphorus carriers in a Solar-type star forming region. The P/H abundance contained in PO and PN is ~10^−10-10^−9 depending on the assumed source size, accounting for just 0.05-0.5% of the solar phosphorus abundance and implying significant sequestration of phosphorus in refractory material. Based on a comparison of the PO and PN line profiles with the shock tracers SiO, SO2, and CH3OH, the phosphorus molecule emission seems to originate from shocked gas and is likely associated with a protostellar outflow. We find a PO/PN column density ratio of ~1-3, which is consistent with the values measured in the shocked outflow of the low-mass protostar L1157, the massive star-forming regions W51 and W3(OH), and the galactic center GMC G+0.693-0.03. This narrow range of PO/PN ratios across sources with a range of environmental conditions is surprising, and likely encodes information on how phosphorus carriers are stored in grain mantles.


The HH 212 interstellar laboratory: astrochemistry as a tool to reveal protostellar disks on Solar System scales

The HH 212 interstellar laboratory: astrochemistry as a tool to reveal protostellar disks on Solar System scales

The investigation of star forming regions have enormously benefited from the recent advent of the ALMA interferometer. More specifically, the unprecedented combination of high-sensitivity and high-angular resolution provided by ALMA allows one to shed light on the jet/disk systems associated with a Sun-like mass protostar. Also astrochemistry enjoyed the possibility to analyze complex spectra obtained using large bandwidths: several interstellar Complex Organic Molecules (iCOMs; C-bearing species with at least 6 atoms) have been imaged around protostars. This in turn boosted the study of the astrochemistry at work during the earliest phases of star formation paving the way to the chemical complexity in planetary systems where Life could emerge. There is mounting evidence that the observations of iCOMs can be used as unique tool to shed light, on Solar System scales (< 50 au), on the molecular content of protostellar disk. The increase of iCOMs abundances occur only under very selective physical conditions, such as those associated low-velocity shocks found where the infalling envelope is impacting the rotating accretion disk. The imaging of these regions with simpler molecules such as CO or CS is indeed paradoxically hampered by their high abundances and consequently high line opacities which do not allow the observers to disentangle all the emitting components at these small scales. In this respect, we review the state-of-the art of the ALMA analysis about the standard Sun-like star forming region in Orion named HH 212. We show (i) how all the physical components involved in the formation of a Sun-like star can be revealed only by observing different molecular tracers, and (ii) how the observation of iCOMs emission, observed to infer the chemical composition of star forming regions, can be used also as unique tracer to image protostellar disks on Solar System scales.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Graphene oxide nanoparticles in the ISM

Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles in the Interstellar Medium

Dust particles play a major role in the formation, evolution and chemistry of interstellar clouds, stars and planetary systems. Commonly identified forms include amorphous and crystalline carbon-rich particles and silicates. Also present in many astrophysical environments are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), detected through their infrared emission, and which are essentially small flakes of graphene. Astronomical observations over the past four decades have revealed a widespread unassigned Extended Red Emission (ERE) feature which is attributed to luminescence of dust grains. Numerous potential carriers for ERE have been proposed but none has gained general acceptance. In this Letter it is shown that there is a strong similarity between laboratory optical emission spectra of graphene oxide and ERE, leading to this proposal that emission from graphene oxide nanoparticles is the origin of ERE and that these are a significant component of interstellar dust. The proposal is supported by infrared emission features detected by the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) and the Spitzer Space Telescope.


Monday, July 8, 2019

A direct correspondence between a planet and a dust gap

Kinematic detection of a planet carving a gap in a protoplanetary disc
We still do not understand how planets form, or why extra-solar planetary systems are so different from our own solar system. But the last few years have dramatically changed our view of the discs of gas and dust around young stars. Observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and extreme adaptive-optics systems have revealed that most --- if not all --- discs contain substructure, including rings and gaps, spirals, azimuthal dust concentrations, and shadows cast by misaligned inner discs. These features have been interpreted as signatures of newborn protoplanets, but the exact origin is unknown. Here we report the kinematic detection of a few Jupiter-mass planet located in a gas and dust gap at 130 au in the disc surrounding the young star HD 97048. An embedded planet can explain both the disturbed Keplerian flow of the gas, detected in CO lines, and the gap detected in the dust disc at the same radius. While gaps appear to be a common feature in protoplanetary discs, we present a direct correspondence between a planet and a dust gap, indicating that at least some gaps are the result of planet-disc interactions.


Friday, April 19, 2019

Confirmation of C60+ in the interstellar medium

Confirming interstellar C+60 using the Hubble Space Telescope

Recent advances in laboratory spectroscopy lead to the claim of ionized Buckminsterfullerene (C60+) as the carrier of two diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) in the near-infrared. However, irrefutable identification of interstellar C60+ requires a match between the wavelengths and the expected strengths of all absorption features detectable in the laboratory and in space. Here we present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) spectra of the region covering the C60+ 9348, 9365, 9428 and 9577 {\AA} absorption bands toward seven heavily-reddened stars. We focus in particular on searching for the weaker laboratory C60+ bands, the very presence of which has been a matter for recent debate. Using the novel STIS-scanning technique to obtain ultra-high signal-to-noise spectra without contamination from telluric absorption that afflicted previous ground-based observations, we obtained reliable detections of the (weak) 9365, 9428 {\AA} and (strong) 9577 {\AA} C60+ bands. The band wavelengths and strength ratios are sufficiently similar to those determined in the latest laboratory experiments that we consider this the first robust identification of the 9428 {\AA} band, and a conclusive confirmation of interstellar C60+.


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Astrophysical detection of the helium hydride ion

Primordial molecule detected in space for the first time

Within 100,000 years of the Big Bang, the very first molecule emerged, an improbable marriage of helium and hydrogen known as a helium hydride ion, or HeH+. "It was the beginning of chemistry," said David Neufeld, a professor at John's Hopkins University and co-author of a study published Wednesday detailing how—after a multi-decade search—scientists finally detected the elusive molecule in space. Theoretical models had long since convinced astrophysicists that HeH+ came first, followed—in a precise order—by a parade of other increasingly complex and heavy molecules.
HeH+ had also been studied in the laboratory, as early as 1925.


Sunday, April 14, 2019

Brown dwarfs formed in a protoplanetary disk?

Are brown dwarfs failed stars or super-planets? 

Brown dwarfs fill the "gap" between stars and the much smaller planets—two very different types of astronomical objects. But how they originate has yet to be fully explained. Astronomers from Heidelberg University may now be able to answer that question. They discovered that the star ν Ophiuchi in the Milky Way is being orbited by two brown dwarfs, which in all probability formed along with the star from a gas and dust disk, just as planets do.


Thursday, April 4, 2019

Discovery of a nearby stellar stream in Gaia DR2

Extended stellar systems in the solar neighborhood - II. Discovery of a nearby 120° stellar stream in Gaia DR2

We report the discovery of a large, dynamically cold, coeval stellar stream that is currently traversing the immediate solar neighborhood at a distance of only 100 pc. The structure was identified in a wavelet decomposition of the 3D velocity space of all stars within 300 pc to the Sun. Its members form a highly elongated structure with a length of at least 400 pc, while its vertical extent measures only about 50 pc. Stars in the stream are not isotropically distributed but instead form two parallel lanes with individual local overdensities, that may correspond to a remnant core of a tidally disrupted cluster or OB association. Its members follow a very well-defined main sequence in the observational Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and also show a remarkably low 3D velocity dispersion of only 1.3 km/s. These findings strongly suggest a common origin as a single coeval stellar population.


Thursday, February 28, 2019

JCMT/SCUBA-2 Continuum Observations of Pre-protostellar Evolution

SCOPE: SCUBA-2 Continuum Observations of Pre-protostellar Evolution - Survey Description and Compact Source Catalogue

We present the first release of the data and compact-source catalogue for the JCMT Large Program SCUBA-2 Continuum Observations of Pre-protostellar Evolution (SCOPE). SCOPE consists of 850-um continuum observations of 1235 Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (PGCCs) made with the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2 on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. These data are at an angular resolution of 14.4 arcsec, significantly improving upon the 353-GHz resolution of Planck at 5 arcmin, and allowing for a catalogue of 3528 compact sources in 558 PGCCs.


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Methylamine and other N-bearing species in NGC 6334I MM1-3

Methylamine and other simple N-bearing species in the hot cores NGC 6334I MM1-3

In the search for the building blocks of life, nitrogen-bearing molecules are of particular interest since nitrogen-containing bonds are essential for the linking of amino acids and ultimately the formation of larger biological structures. The elusive molecule methylamine (CH3NH2) is thought to be a key pre-biotic species but has so far only been securely detected in the giant molecular cloud Sgr B2. We identify CH3NH2 and other simple nitrogen-bearing species towards three hot cores in NGC 6334I. Column density ratios are derived in order to investigate the relevance of the individual species as precursors of biotic molecules. 


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Prebiotic relevance of interstellar ices

Interstellar ices: a possible scenario for symmetry breaking of extraterrestrial chiral organic molecules of prebiotic interest

In the laboratory, the photo-and thermochemical evolution of ices, made of simple molecules of astrophysical relevance, always leads to the formation of semi-refractory water-soluble organic residues. Targeted searches for specific molecules do reveal the notable presence of two families of important molecular ''bricks of life'': amino acids, key molecules in metabolism, and sugars, including ribose, the backbone of RNA molecules which support the genetic information in all living entities.


Tuesday, February 5, 2019

New brown dwarf candidates from Gaia DR2

New ultra-cool and brown dwarf candidates in Gaia DR2

Context. The second Gaia data release (Gaia DR2) contains high precision positions, parallaxes and proper motions for 1.3 billion sources. The resulting Hertzsprung-Russell diagram reveals fine structures all over the mass range. Aims. This paper aims to investigate the content of Gaia DR2 at the low-mass end and to characterize ultra-cool and brown dwarfs.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Carbon and oxygen in metal-poor halo stars

Carbon and oxygen in metal-poor halo stars

Carbon and oxygen are key tracers of the Galactic chemical evolution; in particular, a reported upturn in [C/O] towards decreasing [O/H] in metal-poor halo stars could be a signature of nucleosynthesis by massive Population III stars. We reanalyse carbon, oxygen, and iron abundances in thirty-nine metal-poor turn-off stars.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Discovery of Galactic dwarf satellite Antila 2

The hidden giant: discovery of an enormous Galactic dwarf satellite in Gaia DR2

We report the discovery of a Milky-Way satellite in the constellation of Antlia. The Antlia 2 dwarf galaxy is located behind the Galactic disc at a latitude of $b\sim 11^{\circ}$ and spans 1.26 degrees, which corresponds to $\sim2.9$ kpc at its distance of 130 kpc.

Monday, January 28, 2019

G11.92-0.61 MM1b: a star forming like a planet

A young star caught forming like a planet

Astronomers have captured one of the most detailed views of a young star taken to date, and revealed an unexpected companion in orbit around it. The main object, referred to as MM 1a, is a young massive star surrounded by a rotating disc of gas and dust that was the focus of the scientists' original investigation.

Circumbinary disk perpendicular to orbital plane

Double star system flips planet-forming disk into pole position

New research led by an astronomer at the University of Warwick has found the first confirmed example of a double star system that has flipped its surrounding disc to a position that leaps over the orbital plane of those stars...

Friday, January 25, 2019

Cloud fragmentation and star formation

As clouds fall apart, a new star is born

Using the ALMA observatory in Chile, a group of astronomers led by MPIA's Henrik Beuther has made the most detailed observation yet of the way that a giant gas cloud fragments into dense cores, which then act as the birthplaces ...

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Planet 9 or an icy disc? Complementary hypotheses

Shepherding in a Self-Gravitating Disk of Trans-Neptunian Objects

A relatively massive and moderately eccentric disk of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) can effectively counteract apse precession induced by the outer planets, and in the process shepherd highly eccentric members of its population into nearly-stationary configurations which are anti-aligned with the disk itself.

Protostars in massive "starless" cores

Massive and low-mass protostars in massive "starless" cores

The infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) G11.11$-$0.12 and G28.34$+$0.06 are two of the best-studied IRDCs in our Galaxy. These two clouds host clumps at different stages of evolution, including a massive dense clump in both clouds that is dark even at 70 and 100$μ$m.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Binarity of massive young stellar objects

A pilot survey of the binarity of Massive Young Stellar Objects with $K$ band adaptive optics

We present the first search for binary companions of Massive Young Stellar Objects (MYSOs) using AO-assisted $K$ band observations, with NaCo at the VLT. We have surveyed 32 MYSOs from the RMS catalogue, probing the widest companions, with a physical separation range of 400 - 46,000 au, within the predictions of models and observations for multiplicity of MYSOs.

An O-type protostar forming in an accretion disk

An Asymmetric Keplerian Disk Surrounding the O-type Protostar IRAS16547$-$4247

During the last decades, a great interest has emerged to know if even the most massive stars in our galaxy (namely the spectral O-type stars) are formed in a similar manner as the low- and intermediate-mass stars, that is, through the presence of accreting disks and powerful outflows.